Saturday, November 14, 2009

On the radio

Our radio dial is always tuned to the public radio station, kopb. This week I heard a couple of things that fit in with our text readings. As I was doing other things while listening, I did not catch every detail, but still the jist of them came through. First, I heard a piece about a musician who had written a song about a love that had slipped away. He was in love with a girl in highschool and had admired her from afar. One day he saw her wearing a button that featured the pink triangle and he was crushed to think his dream girl was "off limits" to him, so to speak. I had never been aware of the icon of the pink triangle prior to our class, so I was pleased to be able to recognize the significance of the story. As it turned out, she was straight and just wearing the button to show support. The song featured a line about wearing a pink triangle on her sleeve.
The other item I heard was on Friday. They were interviewing the author of a graphic novel about Darwin and the Origin of Species. The author commented how today we view people like Darwin as geniuses, however, we aren't seeing him through the lens of the time in which he lived, which was filled with scientific discoveries and episteme! It's nice to be able to make some connections.

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