Thursday, October 22, 2009

What angle could this manufacturer possibly been going for? The ad tells us we will "get closer to our food" if we use paper towels soaked in lemon water as finger towels. Do they think this will bring us closer to the Earth? to the source of our food? Will it make us more connected to the environment or more Green? More sophisticated? Is its message that eating with our hands is better than eating with utensils? Is it trying to make us believe they are doing their bit for the health of the nation by staving off swine flu by cleansing with finger towels before eating? In my experience, finger towels are a touch of refinement. I cannot imagine someone going to the trouble of preparing finger towels in lemon water without using real cloth. We're not getting more in tune with the environment if we are cutting down trees to make an item used for ten seconds then thrown away. Yes, if you hold your food in your fingers, your fingers are closer to the food than with chop sticks or a fork, but are YOU? I can appreciate the tactile experience of touching food, but I don't think I'm going to race out to buy throw away paper towels in order to do so. I think I'll wash my hands.
How bizarre.

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